ESRs Projects

The projects can be categorised under the following research themes:


1. Technology to fulfil potential and obligations at a societal level


United KingdomUniversity of Nottingham United Kingdom
ESR1 Adapting recovery-oriented approaches and technology to dementia
United KingdomUniversity of Nottingham United Kingdom
ESR2 Improving peer support for people with young onset dementia (YOD)
BelgiumVrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) Belgium
ESR3 An interactive website for advance care planning (ACP) for people with dementia and their family
GermanyGerman Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases – DZNE Germany
ESR4 Acceptance and adoption of social robots into everyday life for people with dementia


2. Technology to manage one’s own life


NetherlandsMaastricht University Netherlands
ESR5 Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in daily life for carers of people with dementia
NetherlandsVU University Medical Centre Netherlands
ESR6 Cost and effectiveness evaluation of FindMyApps, a tool to find usable apps for self-management and social participation in Dementia
SpainIDES Spain
ESR7 Psychosocial applications of technology for health and wellness coaching of older adults with dementia and mild cognitive impairment and their carers in rural areas
Czech RepublicCzech Technical University in Prague Czech Republic
ESR8 Design, development and testing of a low cost pet-like care-bot
GermanyUniversity of Bremen Germany
ESR9 Smart home technologies supporting daily life for people with dementia and their informal caregivers to improve quality of life and social participation


3. Technology enabling participation in social activities


United KingdomUniversity College, London United Kingdom
ESR10 Use of technology in disclosure of dementia by the diagnosed individual to their social networks
NetherlandsMaastricht University Netherlands
ESR11 Improving social participation in dementia with the Geographic Information system-based intervention ‘Viamigo’
IrelandNational University of Ireland Galway Ireland
ESR12 Social robotics in dementia care to promote social health: ethical issues and implementation strategies
SpainIDES Spain
ESR13 Use of a Mini Robot as a new approach for cognitive and social stimulation in home care
NetherlandsVU University Medical Centre Netherlands
ESR14 Evaluation of the effectiveness of a person-centred touch-screen based photo-activity for people with advanced dementia
GermanyGerman Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases – DZNE Germany
ESR15 Implementation of AAL technology addressing communication and its impact on the underlying link between technology and the psychosocial effect of dementia on communication