In September 2020, our “second” DISTINCT training school took place! After the first one in Prague got cancelled due to COVID-19, we were excited that at least some of the ESRs could attend this school in Witten at the DZNE (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases). Unfortunately, 8 of the ESRs could not be physically present due to different national COVID-19 regulations. Nevertheless, the training team of Maastricht University and the organisational team in Witten of the DZNE did a great job to run a training school that both virtual and physical attendees could participate in.
During the DISTINCT training school, we met a lot of great people from various professions. We learned about the importance of involving people with dementia in technological developments, National Dementia Strategies, how to evaluate the usability and effectiveness of technology, and how to successfully implement technology in dementia care. A special thanks to all the speakers of the DISTINCT beneficiaries and partners! If you want to learn more about the great presentations and training we attended as part of our second DISTINCT school, search for #DISTINCTschool on Twitter.
All ESRs received certificates as proof of their participation in the DISTINCT training school.
We are particularly grateful to the organisers for their amazing work and to the speakers for sharing their knowledge with us.